
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tristique malesuada elit, ut facilisis tellus elementum id. Nullam id consectetur diam. Pellentesque nec tristique sapien etiam non augue lacus.

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Consectetur a scelerisque

Sed risus neque, sagittis sed pellente sque at, pharetra ut nunc. Phasellus id enim eget ante pellentesque pharetra. Phasellus et nisl urna. Integer nisl dui, efficitur in vopat sodales, tempor sed orci. Donec et euismod ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Etiam tincidunt dictum eros at porta. Phasellus gravida dolor in sem placerat sodales sagittis sed pellentesque at, pharetra ut nunc efficitur in vopat sodales enim eget ante pellentesque.

In pharetra turpis

Built around a solid beech frame with legs in polished stainless steel. The Wing chair employs hand-finished stainless steel legs that are virtually maintenance free. CH445 works equally well in groups and on its own, and is best placed where its elegant design can be viewed from all sides.
  • In pharetra turpis: 65.00 cm
  • Aenean pulvinar lorem: 48 colors
  • Vestibulum convallis: 2.53 m2
  • Esticotine convallis: 8.96 m

Pellentesque nec

  • Sed risus: pharetra ut nunc
  • Phasellus id: enim eget ante pellentesque
  • Integer nisl: euismod ipsum.
  • Interdum et: malesuada fames ac ante ipsum
  • Phasellus gravida: dolor in sem placerat sodales

Etiam non augue

Nullam id pires: 68.00 cm

Etiam non augue: 86.00 cm

Informacje dodatkowe

Informacje dodatkowe

Product color

None, Red, Pink, Purple, Deep purple, Indigo, Blue, Light blue, Cyan, Teal, Green, Light green, Lime, Yellow, Amber, Orange, Deep orange, Brown, Blue grey, Light grey, White, Black


Gloss, Matte

Delivery term

5 to 7 business days, 24 hours


1.000 Units, 2.000 Units, 5.000 Units

Product Size

300mm x 400mm

Rodzaj podłoża

Karton 300g, Satyna 300g, Satyna 400g, Druk Cyfrowy, Karton biały 650g, Kreda mat 450g

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